Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A few minor changes...

Since my last post you could say things around the Cherry household have changed, as I post now, the new boss of the house is serenely sleeping in my arms (thanks Jelly Bean sling, you are a big help!) Scarlett Rae Cherry was born on May 7th via induction, and weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces, 20.5 inches long.  My pregnancy, delivery, and adjustment into motherhood have all gone picture perfect, I can't thank God enough for the blessings we have been given.  Scarlett is a mess...the best kind of mess you just don't want to ever put down, and you want to get all her neck sugar!  I LOVE that she already has personality, and is a wonderful, easy going little bundle.  She is 5 weeks old and the things I want to remember are that she is already sleeping 4-6 consecutive hours at night, holds her head up like a champ, really likes to kick, kick, kick, smiles for Mom and Dad, doesn't like dirty diapers (who can blame her, right?) and does not like to be left alone in a room.  I am off work until August and I'm loving every single minute of being a stay at home Mom and Wife.

Yesterday Dave had a half day so we decided to get out and spend some QT as a family, we went to our normal place of relaxation...the Farm.  It was such a great afternoon, Scarlett and I made a nice little setup at the pond, watched Dave fish, let the dogs play, visited with Nana and Papaw, ate dinner and watched the Bachelorette (I love Roberto, Kirk and Chris from Cape Cod).  It was so nice to enjoy the fresh air and company.

First pic as a family of 3, I still cant believe it...
Just a little morning side grin for Mom...love it!!!

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